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I find there's a problem with your defintion of "Casual".

My definition of a casual game is a pretty much generic game which is simple in gameplay mechanics,storyline and overall game concept , there is generaly little or no violence in these games. I think Casual games are synonymous with Mass Market games , they apeal to everyone , try to offend no one for maximum profitability.

I have a problem with your definition of casual.

In fact, I have a problem with everyone's definition. To me, hardcore gamers exist on pure skill or strategy based games. A chess master is a hardcore gamer, the guys in "King of Kong" are hardcore gamers. Someone who plays story-based games like MGS or GTA, games that are becoming increasingly easy and have save spots every 20 minutes are casual gamers.

But we're not talking about *your* definition or even mine, this article refers to the mass media's definition. To media outlets like IGN or kotaku or New York Times, Mario Galaxy is very different from Wii Sports - one represents old traditional "core" gaming values, one represents new casual gaming values.

The definition that Nintendo uses internally, as sean malstrom has pointed out, is that it's a middle-market game.

Anyway, great post and great analysis. Don't let a few trolls ruin it.

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