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Chazore said:
robzo100 said:

People of her status die every year. Is every year bad as well?

No, I don't think every year is objectively good. In fact I think this is a highly subjective point that other people have made in the thread. One person can ahve a good year, and another person a bad year. However, I think most people don't have catastrophic or controversial years - many people have illustrated this by saying nothing special happened this year. Special things may ahve happened (it's life after all), but it wasn't filled with them.

I guess I understand how baffled you are by my point of view because I can't for the life of me understand how the deaths of unrelated people (why does it matter if they are a celebrity?) could change the entire outlook of a *whole* year... 


Each year being what it is will always be subjective, yet here we are with you trying to argue to the nail that it's been a great year, despite the fact that we haven't actually had this many celeb deaths (for instance, please take it as *for instance*) since 1982, something that hasn't occured for a very long time.


You don't seem to get gripped by the deaths of others, you see them as a number rather than as a person. Just because you aren't blood related doesn't mean you can feel loss or mourn them. I felt gutted and sad for a few months when Christopher Lee died, mostly because I adored his acting and as a person. I grew up watching his movies and as such I greatly missed him passing on. I've had people close to me, but not blood related, die over the years, I can still feel loss for their passing.

So you see you respect Lee because of his acting. Of course it makes sense you would mourn him.

When you say that this year had the most amount of celebrities dying since a long time ago you actually are inciting that it is a "numbers" game. The numbers shoudn't matter. All that matters was whether you cared about them. A lot of people only do on the surface. Surface emotions are indeed real, no one can dispute that.

But they're thin and weak - people forget about celebrity deaths rather quickly(do you really dispute this?), hence the surprise for why peope feel it can determine the outcome of an entire year when the emotions will pass in a week or even less. Which is again why I ask if you can point to other reasons why 2016 was bad besides the death of people who don't stand a candle to the friends, family, and colleagues who we interact with on a daily, weekly, and yearly basis.

I mean, even if a lot of celebs did die, surely you have other things to point to, right? Is every year going to depend upon the celebrty factor for you? I think not. The list I showed was not as one-dimensional as you make a great or not-great year out to be.