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TheLegendaryWolf said:
FentonCrackshell said:

This is most certainly a hate crime. No bones about it. However, 2 months ago 3 white teens attacked a mentally disabled black teammate and one of them sodomized the black kid with a coat hangar. There was virtually no coverage of that. Have you even heard of that story? And I don't understand why everyone is saying this would be covered more if races were reversed. The coverage for this hasn't been sparse. It's been on my local news channels in Florida and on every news site I've been on.

In fact I have vaguely heard of that event on the news and you are correct it certainly wasn't covered enough which is lamentful. I also would like to clairfy that I'm not saying that coverage for this particular incident has been sparse, I mean it was covered on the spanish-speaking news and rightfully called a hate crime of sorts. My issue is more with a significant portion of the mainstream outlets, even with on-camera evidence, refusing to call it what it is, a hate crime. 

The opinion places will label it so but the real news stations won't call it that until the police call it that.


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