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Conina said:
aLkaLiNE said:

Ok ok ok. You are absolutely welcome to tally up the list or find an objectively better one, I would welcome it actually. As it stands right now though, both my sources are straight from the platform holder. I would like to see where there are hundreds of bundles on the Ps4 store though. Also why would arcade games be off the table? Because by that standard, so should all Remasters as well which would then include things like gears of war ultimate edition, halo mcc, castle crashers remastered... And so on. 

Do it yourself. YOU are trying to prove that there are soo many good PS4 games that can't be played on Xbox One. I don't care either way, since I have both PS4 and XBO.

I would say I've provided far more proof against them sharing 95% of the same library than those that contend.

But also ~ where are these hundreds of bundles located in the list I provided for Sony 


Why can we not count arcade games as part of play stations library. And just as importantly, why would we not count those but then count Remasters available on Xbox?


There might be a few bundles or duplicates in the ms or Sony list but not any significant or meaningful number that would have any more than a ~5% impact on the spread. I'm not sure why it should be news OR surprising that there are significantly more titles available on a console that has a 2:1 install base of its closest competitor.