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Today, the first results of the great Donald J Trump's proposals for Draining The Swamp are bearing fruit.

Of all place, the dishonest BBC, now synonymous as the trashy Marxist go-to outlet, serving the Establishment News addicts daily to those that have caught on to it's deception; Has been forced to publish this article, which is an amended hit piece.

Had Trump not intervened, it would never have been published. As it sat earlier, it was simply a hit piece on Republicans. Now Trump has cast the hammer of justice and within HOURS he was glorious in victory agains the evil and clammy swamp creatures.

The BBC did not have the conviction to honest reporting as to make it clear it was Trump's saintly work that instigating this drainage of Swamp pools in the headline.

EDIT - This is not Parody, This is hot off press - Donald has forced reversal of plans to curb ethics body powers.

All kneel before Donald and pony up high-5s like it's 1991 in liberal CA.

"Republicans are to drop a plan to gut the independent body that investigates political misconduct, after an outcry.

President-elect Donald Trump had criticised Republicans after they voted to strip the Office of Congressional Ethics of its independence.

"Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance!" Mr Trump said in a tweet.

The proposal was dropped in an emergency meeting at the new Congress, unnamed lawmakers told the US media.

Mr Trump made cleaning up corruption in Washington a key theme of his campaign, and he ended his tweet with "#DTS", an acronym for "drain the swamp".