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If the Switch's graphical capabilities are only 400 GFLOPS then its performance is going to lag just as far behind the PS4Pro and Scorpio than the Wii U did PS4 and XOne. It doesn't matter how easily developers can port games to the Switch, massive graphical sacrifices will need to be made for the game to run on the Switch. No developer who spends a Hollywood movie budget on the graphics of their AAA game wants to see their game get butchered visually. Yes, 3rd party developers did support the Wii despite its hardware, but that was only because the Wii had such a massive user base that developers had to force themselves to give the console its due. They abandoned the Wii U the second they saw that it wasn't going to be another hit and same can easily happen with the Switch.

It would have been much better if Nintendo had given the Switch enough power to compete graphically with the XOne. That way, the combined user base of the XOne and the Switch could have always been enough to justify a graphical downgrade regardless of how popular the Switch was. There is no way now that they are going to make a special version just for the Switch unless the Switch sells quite well. I hope that Nintendo has something up their sleeve for making the Switch popular on its own.