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Communicating and taking over his mind (including voice) are very different things. The fact is Liquid is alive, his genes and his consciousness. It's not some kind of spirit of Liquid that takes over Ocelot through his arm. I think Liquid had it all planned at some early stage since he discovered Ocelot was a Patriot spy, and it's very likely (hey, I'm speculating here, it's my theory) he arranged with Ocelot that if he died, Ocelot would take his body and become a carrier of Liquid's genes (through gene therapy), so that his genetic legacy would live on. After Ocelot lost his hand, maybe Liquid made the suggestion he could take his if things would go the wrong path, or maybe he didn't (offer the arm) and Ocelot just thought it was more than an appropiate and convenient way to carry on with the Les Enfant Terrible's genetic legacy. Of course Ocelot never suspected Liquid would use this to his advantage. What better way to get to the Patriots than through a Patriot's Spy? Ocelot dormant "necromantic" abilities would make it even easier for Liquid to get into his mind. How did Liquid make this possible? Was he able to "digitize" life a la Ghost in the Shell? I think he did, and nanotechology certainly played a part. One more thing: I wouldn't be surprised the Patriots themselves had a hand on Liquid's plan and they're just playing him (including getting him inside Ocelot). That's as far as my theory goes for the time being.