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Latley all ive heard out of Microsofts mouth is how great the Xbox 360 is doing. Everytime they make a statement or an annoucement its (WE HAVE A 5 MILLLION CONSOLE LEAD OVER THE PS3) or (ARE USER BASE IN EUROPE IS EXPLODING) now dont get me wrong the 360 is doing great, but lets face it 2008 has not been the 360's year. The ps3 has gotten big in Europe and sold more consoles worldwide every week so far in 2008 not only that but MGS4 will be here soon which will boost the ps3 even more. Like i said the 360 is doing great its just latley seems like all they have been bashing on sony so openly and saying there here to win this generation. When the Wii has already done that. In the past Sony has had some pride problems and some big egos that need to be knocked down a bit, but they learned there lesson with the 600$ thing (OMG!!) and other things as well.


what do you guys think is microsoft treatend by the ps3 or is this just a normal process for them.                                        

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!