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I would say that Obama is more likely to have the mental issue, not Trump. Nobel peace prize winner Obama, in the outgoing days of of his presidency, is actively trying to start a war with Russia because his own party got caught doing a bunch of illegal stuff via email leaks on the web. Instead of standing up and apologizing for the horrible and illegal things that his party is guilty of and which lost them the election, Obama instead blames Russia for uncovering the criminal acts in the first place and then tries to even start a war with Russia at a time when any decent president would be preparing to pass the reigns over to his successor. I would normally call Obama a narcissist and a tyrant for doing something like this, but I suspect that his strings are merely being pulled by the rich global elite above him who control Washington and are panicking about Trump.


Trump is unscripted, whatever...  It concerns me a lot more when somebody is controlled by a teleprompter like the current president.  Why does somebody need a teleprompter all the time, what is that person trying to hide, who controls the message that this person is delivering?