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It is ridiculous to think that Nintendo is splitting gamers apart. Before the DS and Wii were released Iwata constantly spoke of the stagnation of the industry in Japan and the phenomenons of the non-gamer and the lapsed gamer. He asked aloud, why weren't they playing?

If there was a wedge driven in the video game industry, it happened years ago and favored the "core" gamer almost exclusively. Gamers with tastes like mine got shouldered to the sidelines. Many stopped playing. Many never started. Those of us who stuck around darted to games like Katamari Damacy like a pocket of fresh air in a room full of farts.

The Wii is an INCLUSIVE system. This has angered a lot of gamers who worry that their little treehouse will get infested with cooties. They are pointing to their "No Girls Aloud!" signs and throwing water balloons right now, but it will pass, because they will realize that it sucks to stay home from the dance.