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I understand what you are saying. Console should provide entertainment int he videogame realm and nothing more. In that sense I agree with you. However, I don't think anything on the 360 is not focusing on the gaming aspect. Sony did bluray...fine...they screwed up. But nothing on the xbox is there because they want to bundle you a waffle maker with a console.

As far as the price tag, yes 360 is expensive. and if the fun factor provided by the wii (for me atleast) was equal to or greater than the 360, I'd be here supporting your argument 100%. Sadly however that is not the case. I still think the 360 is the best value in the current generation.

Sure, ps2 is much better value...however most of us have paid our dues on a ps2 with a 299, 199 price tag...and have played all the good games that system has to offer. Buying a ps2 for 129 at this point (for me) would be a huge rip off.