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I'm really sorry to hear that this happened to you :( I can really relate with you because I love walking alone and just listening to music. I only had one guy try to take my backpack on my way home from school once, but able to get away without him taking anything. I was lucky.

I think you should learn martial arts or get a katana. That would be bad ass. Pepper Spray will work as well. Getting a gun really isn't the answer when people are acting too mentally unstable these days. If you do go that route get some training to be sure you know how to use it, and hope that there isn't a misunderstanding if you ever do flash it to scare someone off. Things can get ugly fast. I think proper self-defense sends a more clear message and more clearly display to others that you're the victim and not the offender.

I'm really glad to hear that you're okay though. I hope you can overcome the fear he spelled upon you. That's such a horrible thing of him to do. A complete asshole!