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Well Nintendo is taking old values of gaming and brining them back as new. Game Play & Fun, not nesicarly together though. Over the years combat has been the major association for Game Play & Fun while other games are a novelty. Nintendo started by showing that these "novel" games are main stream and not a niche of the "core" gamers. This change in values however is changing the current statis. What is happening is a form of anxiety from the "core" gamer. A worry that there form of gaming will take a back seat, a worry that comes from not understanding that a novel game can stand toe to toe with the more beloved combat games.

Well the "core" gamer doesn't or needs to worry. If one actually disects what's happening there is no attempt to drive a wedge or detroy the old gaming ways. Only to bring gaming main stream and change perspectives on the image of electronic gaming. The number of "core" gamers will continue to play the games they want to play. It's just that there we be more "casual" games for the new emerging mainstream. This is actually a good thing for the "core" gamer. It means that future "core" games will have to be made with real qaulity so that the target audiance will buy it.

The only change that will happen to these "core" games is that they will have and option to be playable in bite size chunks rather than just full course meals. So that the new main stream won't be so intimitated when they want to be part of the "cor" gaming audiance.

So no, Nintendo is not driving a wedge in the "core" gaming comunity. The "core" gaming comunity is driving a wedge because they are unwilling to broaden or allow the change of perceptions of what gaming is. However the change must happen as all things must evolve or stagnate.



Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.