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Kwaad said: If you can take care of a dog. (and cats) and put them on a leash... and walk them... and other people SEE your animal. that owns Nintendogs in my book.
I'm sure it does. Fortunately, your book does not often mirror reality. Nintendogs is not 'owned' by some speculated feature on the PS3. Nintendogs is for the DS, a portable system, which means it doesn't compete with home consoles anyway. Besides, what exactly leads you to believe this feature will 'own' Nintendogs, besides the fact that 'other people SEE your animal?'

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. -Mark Twain

2004 Lincoln LSV8 - ~$15,000

K&N Cold Air Intake - $300

Handheld ECU Reprogrammer - $400

The look on a ricer's face when they get their ass beat off the line by a Lincoln - Priceless