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Why must you make my disappointment with XV ever bigger. That game just gets worse and worse the more you think about it, that's like, the opposite of what you ever want to happen with your game.

One of the things I'm not very clear on it's wether the footage we saw at E3 2013 went completely unused or not, for what I know the game used a different engine back then, and according to Tabata, they made sure to "port" everything to the new one, thing is that "porting" could mean anything, and since the only thing that looks remotely similar to that in the actual game is the parrying animation with the Titan, I'll have to guess that they axed most of the things there too.

Maybe having FFVIIR be multiple parts, THAT ARE REASONABLY PRICED, it's truly for the best, that way Nomura doesn't have to worry too much about cut-content and limitations and he can go all mad-artist like he loves to do and actually give us enjoyable experiences, plus, Tabata has NO SPINE, he just aimed to whoring himself and the project to anyone and everyone that could buy it and that resulted in the ugly frankeinstein of a game we have now, which granted, that may be what Squeenix needed and wanted but come the fuck on, have some artistic integrity for god's sake.

At the end, all I want to say is, VERSUSXVWHEN!?!

I'm now filled with determination.