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Then why mention the gap when clearly all the Xbox skus are lower on the monthly compared to the BF bundle which is much lower than the PS4? The hourly and weekly are irrelevant when the gape is bigger on the monthly by a huge margin. If all those Xbox bundles (there were tons last year, which were higher. Check Amazon Nov 2015 and Dec 2015) were all in the top 10 or 20, then you could make the statement that they could sell better than PS4 combined.

For reference. PS4 was number 1 in November last year and highest Xbox sku was number 8. PS4 still won.

PS4 was number 3 in December 2015 and Xbox was number 15.

Compare that to this December in the gap is bigger with PS4 at number 2 and Xbox is at number 20. Of course anything could happen, but since this is the Amazon thread the PS4 is selling better this month no question.