thismeintiel said: Discussing the monthly numbers as of right now is a little pointless. Look at the hourlies, those XBO bundles are going to start dropping in the monthlies pretty quick. It's also pretty obvious that the UC4 bundle is doing MUCH better than any XBO SKU. It came out of nowhere to become #9 in the yearlies, a lot of which was done on Cyber Monday, which goes toward Dec NPD. The highest XBO bundle is only at #66, behind BO3 PS4 and the Pro. At least on Amazon, PS4 is the clear winner for Dec. |
Right lol. Also the PS4 is number 2 on the monthly while the highest XboxOne is only 20. All Xbox bundles fell really hard after Xmas, which shows that they were not selling anywhere near the PS4 according to Amazon. The PS4 is still holding at number 9 on the hour even though it is sold out. Another thing people seem to ignore are the ratings. Both PS4 and PS4Pro have much higher ratings than any XboxOne sku. The more people buy, the more they rate. That Minecraft bundle has a very low number of ratings, which is telling. Bringing up pre orders for the PS4Pro last month is irrelevant when the slim PS4 dominated everything and those people who bought a Pro would have bought the slim PS4 if there was no Pro. The PS4 is also number 1 on Best Buy and is still $249, while the Xbox has returned to $299. The PS4 has been the best selling console all generation and that won't change regardless of a few months in the US.