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Although this applies to everyone, as you get older it becomes more and more apparent, more and more concerning. We have goals in life, some our own, and some that are a bit forced upon us, whether it be our commitments to our passions and hobbies, or our reponsibilities toward our family and friends.

We have to problem solve, think inside the box, outside the box, however it is you like to define "finding a solution" But it all depends on how we make the most of our day. Preceding this imo would be a thread dedicated toward the whole notion of how seriously we should even take our life goals to begin with - something along the lines of contentment and not wanting so much, and perhaps it may even hold a reasonable place in this particular thread after all.

So, "making the most out of our day".

How to be productive.


Honestly I've been dedicated to this for a while, but it seems more ripe a topic than ever right now. Things that really got me going on it lately have been success books spanning from Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers and Tipping point all the way to more direct literature like Scott Adam's How to fail at everything and still win big, or other similar authors like Tim Ferris.

Then there are basic solutions like

  • Get up earlier
  • Mental affirmations rooted in Mantras, Meditation, Smiling etc.
  • "Brain Train" through novelty (learning new things: language, games, musical instruments, etc.)
  • Eat healthier
  • Socialize more (Networking, Improve communication skills)



So, what are your biggest sticking points so far in life. Your worst Ones? Things you see that work in others. Something that is counterintuitive or that people focus on too much? Let's all try to get better!

Or does it never end?