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SvennoJ said:

In resume, they did not allowed the speakers to work, screammed like dying animals or something.

Even in a christian friendly university people like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins were allowed to speak, even heresies, against God and were met with nothing but respect. As it should be in the Academia

At the most, the people would not applaud particular points of the speech, but the person was applauded for showing up and talking.

But, to answer your question: I know there is no place for a person like me in the SJW Utopia, I am a candidate for the Christian Concentration Camps of the SJW Utopia, cause I am a toxic guy. If that happens someday, I will find peace in the fact that I was not completely silent.

This is why I am speaking while I still can.

I don't have the time to watch that now unfortunately. But condoning bullying goes too far. Booeing speakers is bad form too.
Bullying is not a form of sorrow. What kids should not be shielded off from is how the world really is. My parents always let me watch the news, although back then it was still objective news. Unfiltered issues from the world, and ofcourse growing up during the cold war and frequent hijakcings of planes and trains, IRA bombings, peopel starving in Ethiopia, war in Yugoslavia.
On the family scale problems weren't hidden either. Mental Illness, cancer, child abuse, war horror stories weren't hidden, plenty sorrow to build character. My mother work with refugees for years, they stayed over at our house a couple of times as well. We also housed WW2 veterans for liberation day celebrations. All that builds character. Not bullying, name calling etc.

Anyway I don't know what SJW utopia means. I don't see it on a local scale where I live. My oldest is only 7 though, and the current challenge is to teach the line between friendly banter and bullying and to stand up for yourself. It's true when they say it takes a village to raise a child. I'm so proud of him that he went to the bus driver himself to ask for a different seat when getting harassed on the bus. And now they've become good friends after all. Bullying can be easily corrected when you catch it early, ignore it and the consequences pile up. Most of it comes from asking for attention, yet not knowing how to, or passing abuse along without realizing it.

I know, it is a long event. About your 7 years old, I pray the Lord bless him and guard him, do not be offended by it, if God does not exist it only means I am wishing you good things.

If I had a kid I would consider putting him on karate or some other sport he enjoys. I think it builds character and gives discipline.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.