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Sex obsessed people.

(I'm not talking about a specific person). I just find it extremely annoying when certain people's lives revolve around sex. When their avatars, signatures, names, posts, jokes, video games are all about sex, it gets a bit much. I get that a lot of you like busty women, but I find some of the avatars utterly embarrassing (like, I don't know, look at those things in private, maybe?).

This goes beyond forums. A lot of my guy friends/acquaintances only care about sex to the point that I find it hard hanging out with them. Just the other day, I was with a friend and we ran into one of my female colleagues who is an awesome person, but not the most attractive woman. As soon as she left, my friend made a comment about how fat she was (she wasn't even obese or anything, she could just lose 10 kilos and look great). And I straight out told him "well, yeah, don't worry, no one's gonna force you to have sex with her". It's as if they can't see a woman as a person, but only as a possible partner/lover/sex object.