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DraconianAC said:

Don't be fooled by these misogynistic views; this is still a very patriarchal society, where man hold most of the control.

With the rise of Trump into the office, you'll see these stupid point of views be tried to passed on as facts, while in reality the problem is economic--pure and simple. The upper class, where both parties have wealth don't care about these petty problems. They gather their things and go, but most wealthy people stay married. (Please don't give me the movie star life as counter example, they are outliers and have different life styles than wealthy families based on the work they do.) Money provides mobility and freedom in America. When the middle class is shrinking, they are just looking to shove the blame to something else other than a proper working government.

It's rational for the opposite sex to look out for themselves, and if good paying jobs with benefits and retirement plans were available for the masses, there be a lot less lawsuits over who gets the car; that along proper education that starts at the home when the parent isn't working 2-3 jobs and now has time to pass down moral and ethical foundations to the next generation, so they are not easily steered by TV and "friends."

I'm not married because I haven't found the person that makes me want to marry them and because I don't make a wage big enough to raise a family, pure and simple. It's a shopping mall out there in the date scene, and there are so many options, but if I ever found someone I plainly desired and the feeling was returned, I would marry with little regret or worry about it. (Of course logistics come in to play too like; is she considerate, frugal, hard working, intelligent, and WISE. I'm sure the opposite sex is looking for the same thing, but lack of money limits our freedom.)

These stupid studies don't take into account the degradation of the family do to economic reasons. They also don't tell you how awful it was for women in the nuclear family model that is so highly fawking looked up to.

Read up on history guys before listening to this bullshit fear mongering.

Thouse points of view have been out for a long time, not becaue of trump.

Its not "misogynistic". Like I said before, both men and women fall victims to theese horrible divorce setlements. It just it happens more to men cuz most often the men are the primary earners. And it really gets bad when they are the sole earners. But again, women fall victim to it as well, just not as often so you dont really have them making an uproar over it like men do.

The problem is not women like you seem to think we are blaming, its the marriege. The laws have to be changed. Its way to harmfull to the one with the money, both men and women. Like you said, when both have money or are on equal terms, this is never an issue. They take what they both know its theirs and split. the law is making it dificult to be with someone uness they are your economic equal, wich should not be something to messure a future relationships. Not somthing to take into account who you want children with. Not something to take into account of who you can fall in love with. 

Right now I want to have a loving relationship and all that, and the only way to do so is by aavoiding marriage and even living together. Not because of women, but because of the law is fucked up, and even if I find a great women, I could be fooled by a camelion later, could be a gold digger, I could do something to piss her off and she holds a grudge later, I can think shes perfect at first and we just see the reality once living toghether, our lives could just takes down diferent paths and e have to split while still in love. No matter how good the relationship  was, how much in love, the good intentions, being deceived r what ever, if your not economically equal, you will get f**ked. 

Happens to both men and women, get over it. Its the laws fault.

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