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BMaker11 said:
StarDoor said:

When the right refuses to believe in science, data, and evidence, it's derided as climate change denial.

When the left refuses to believe in science, data, and evidence, it's celebrated as tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism.

Do you see the difference? When the right believes something contrary to science, they're attacked for it. So why does the left get a free pass in denying biology and evolution?

Politely provide proof of "the left refusing to believe in science, data, and evidence". I don't see left wingers continuing to push abstinence when the studies show places that push abstinence only result in more STDs and more unwanted pregnancies because sex is human nature and will happen anyway, so those who are uneducated about it get the shit end of the stick.

I don't see left wingers being anti-vaxxer. 

Can you give me some examples of "tolerance" being cited in order to refuse some scientific research? When has multiculturalism been celebrated for refusing to believe some evidence? 

There are left wingers that believe women can do anything men can. They believe in the wage gap which has already been disproven as well.