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Sharu said:

Nice one, Rol!
Some examples of this post-factual thing:
Take Syria. West started supported so called rebels there. Made an ISIS brand. Started a civil war in Syria. Then refugees start moving to Europe. Then, last autemn, Russia directly involved. But western media now trying to spin the situation the way that Russian involvment was a cause of refugees crysis.
Or Aleppo. 5 years of civil war - nobody cared about the city. Until Asad start making military successes there with Russian support. Then BAM - and twitter account of Bana, 7 tears old girl speaking perfect Englush and tweeting day and night arrived.

Its very much as if Orwell's 1984 and 'doublethinking' became a part of reality in the West.

P.S. The same with Trump. All the major Western media was just making fun of him the whole election. And now trying to say they was 'opposing the evil' from the start...

Not just the West, though. While there is a lot of proaganda here, Russians are victim to it as well.