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there are 50 coins to collect, and 17 landmarks to paint.


from the website itself

"it is a 3D game in which the player controls a ball of paint rolling through the city. The ball can absorb coloured NPC’s to become larger and change its colour. With the paint, the player can then proceed to paint the entire city. Almost everything is paintable: buildings, trees, cars and using the paint trace even the ground. The main goal of the game is to paint all 17 landmark buildings. Hardcore fanatics can also try to collect all 50 coins that are hidden around the level."

So it's not really just a port of the PC version with multiplayer and online if they add a bunch of new levels, change the artwork, change the physics and control, as well as add new abilities, and change the fact that you don't get larger katamari style. Sorry, it just sounds like you're trying to minimize what the game is, as just being a slightly upgraded version of this PC demo. When in fact it is a fully fleshed out game, loosely based on the concept of "The blob" PC project.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.