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The only importance numbers serve are to count the things that exist.

Numerical laws should not be altered by beliefs of luck.

Good luck telling that to the over 2 billion Chinese and Indian population who believe otherwise, have believed otherwise for millenia, and will continue to believe otherwise. They've only built their entire culture around these beliefs!

You can eliminate numbers in writing, but you can never eliminate numbers in existence. If there are 20 rocks, there are 20 rocks. Without removal of any of the rocks, it is not possible to remove the 13th rock. You can engrave 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 on the rocks, but there will still be 13 rocks in existence. The rock with "14" engraved on it, is still the 13th rock, no matter what you do, because in true existence, 13 rocks exist. Therefore, the number "14" is a false truth, only to support the"luck" theory, and is a lie to the numberical law.

No one is arguing that!

But the same reason why some hockey players don't wash their jockstrap because they somehow believe they are scoring because of the accumulated sweat in aforementioned protective gear is because some people do believe in superstition. You don't but unfortunately the world doesn't revolve around you, and the fact remains there are billions of people who believe in superstition, and especially numerology. You know, like the horoscope.

If you go to you will find a database of thousands of buildings. They list the floors, and they do count floor 13, 44, etc to reach the total number of floors. They follow the "numerical law" because it makes sense when counting the total number of floors in a building database. But some people are simply bothered by having to work or live on a "bad luck number" floor.

And the "luck" theory is not "theory" - it's superstition. Everyone knows that. But again, tell that right wing to wash his jockstrap when he's on a record streak of 3 goals per game average...