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ArnoldRimmer said:
Peh said:

Peh, I'm still wondering what exactly you wanted me to suggest a solution for. Honestly, I would love to discuss possible solutions, because in the past I already tried to start discussions on possible solutions, but it never worked. When it gets to the topic of the "refugee crisis", I too got the impression that very few people seem to be able to think of actual possible solutions, and that most people instead prefer to place blame on whatever "Feindbild" they personally have, be it left-wingers/right-wingers/Gutmenschen/Nazis/migrants/AfD-voters/asylum seekers/Pegida/muslims/whatever. I totally agree with you that it would make more sense to discuss some strategies/possible solutions instead.

I really don't know what kind of point you are trying to make at first, so just let me state this one thing:

Look, my issue with people (not only on this board) is that they are really quick to judge of knowing who the culprit in all of this is.  It's the best times to go against muslims, immigrants, refugees and Angela Merkel (I did not vote for her, but I do appreciate what she is doing). It's not that those people, except for a few of them, are generally against refugees and immigrants, but because they are coming from a muslim country, they are all bad. The difference in culture is huge, and this leads to issues. I am not denying any of these issues like rapist, aussaults, and whatever. So what they do is focus the entirety of refugees coming from these kind of places to those issues they've experienced in the past. So, what's wrong with that, would anyone ask? People have the right to feel safe and because of those experiences with these kind of people in the past, the probability is really high that it will increase in the future if more people will get in. I fully understand that argument.

The other issue are what kind of people are refugees and are those really running away from regions occopied by war or as you said are "Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge". And here is one big issue at play .You see, you can't tell without verifying their documents. You got women with children and a lot of males between 20 and 35? I did not checked any statistics so I am just writing without prove.  So, how do you tackle this issue? Some people have thrown their ID away or lost them when leaving home, so we have to cooporate with different countries, which seems difficult like the state Syria is in to identify the people. The recent attack in Berlin is just prove that those countries where the people are running away from don't even bother with taking them back. Look at Tunis for not providing the necessary paper to deport that Anis A. guy.  Some people have also fake ID's. You can't deport them without knowing where they are from. Those are processes which take time. And the worst thing is, they need to be taken care of with food and water and shelter during that time. You have nearly a million of refugees staying infront of your doors, not "knowing" where to go. What are your options?

To this, like you also mentioned, are the promises they got like a free house and money and stuff. We are a rich country, right? They've sold all the belongings to pay assholes for the risky trip to europe in the hope of a better life or surviving in the first place. It's a fucked up situation. But it does not end there.

When you got people ready to deport, it takes several months to do so, because like I mentioned above, certain countries do not want them back or our goverment does not have the resources in certain parts in our country. Especially if we are talking about criminals. Why should they bother with them? They would cause harm in their origin country, so it's better to keep them away. And that's why Tunis fucked up with that kind of approach. I do not know if something will be done against Tunis for delaying the process of providing the papers, but they could provide them in an instant after the damage was done. If it goes for deporting people who cause harm or do not want to integrate in our society, then I am someone who says to throw them out as fast as possible as they can. Even faster would be better.

But those people who need help will get them.

I am not even going into the topic of supporting rebels and ISIS with weapons and who fucked who, because I would never finish. It's a part that also plays big in this whole refugee crisis, but I am not focusing on that right now.

Look, the whole situation is just bad and the end is still not in sight. Turkey takes care of most of the refugees right now, so the numbers decreased drastically in Europe. But closing the doors for people who "need" help is never the right approach. You don't know the story of the people just by looking at them.

We did understimate the amount of people fleeing to europe and did not have the resources to take care of them. I live in Berlin and saw new places being made for refugees. Yet, I did not had any issues with them in the past nor now, which doesn't mean that other also people don't. No one is perfect, but making the issue more difficult than it is by always blaming them in everything and burning their camps down will not solve anything.

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