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If this is true.... well. The Gamer in me still wants this as a handheld system because FUCK YEAH!...

But the dev side of me is saying SKIP THIS CONSOLE and pay with my wallet. Even if that means missing out on the new Zelda. I can get the Wii U version and if that is cancelled. Horizon: Zero Dawn and Mass Effect: Andromeda are alternatives. Despite those games being amazing. Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a ground breaking achievement in terms game design itself. The last game to impress me like that was Phantom Pain and Uncharted 4 reveals so I'm torn here!

With the 3DS shortages I'm starting to wonder if the Switch is the next handheld that operates as an entry level console and Nintendo is cooking up an actually dedicated home platform. If the Switch is part of a series of devices as Kimishima mentioned. It's possible this is actually a handheld that is due out in March as per most Nintendo handhelds are and a home platform during the holidays. In this regards the Switch is actually powerful enough to be able to run home console games and is perfect for developers to port games to. A high end tablet and developers can even port games that they plan to port to latest iPad or something which makes it more or less risk free.

I'm really conflicted on what to think right now. Like I said.... I want it, but I expect more from Nintendo. They have all the IP's that is needed to make a successful and powerful console. They just need to listen to the fans and observe what the primary gamers want. A lot of people are dissatisfied with both the PS4 and Xbox One and Nintendo can capitalize on that. There will be a point where Nintendo NEEDS western 3rd party to survive in the home console space. There is a massive split between the East and West on Mobile vs Consoles. Nintendo may find that it's in their best interest to cater to the needs of both.