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dark_gh0st_b0y said:
ok, so the only way to look at the specs in a positive way is to think of it as a handheld

and the only hope for NS to be an actual home console is an extra GPU through the Supplemental Computing Device via the capable USB-C port, but still, the portable mode will need developers to downgrade the games even more so yeah, we can expect 3DS kind of support, Wii at most if it's successful

Ninty should have picked the $350 road and more power imo

a great concept, probably to be limited by the graphics once more :/

When Nintendo said that the Switch was a console first they opened the door for people to expect xbone/PS4-like power so I'm not going to make excuses for the criticism they're getting.  Once I saw that Nintendo was going the hybrid route I was hoping that they would position it as a handheld first to dissuade people from expecting twins-like console power from a tablet barring some kind of supplemental power from the dock.  I still think it can be successful (especially in Japan) but Nintendo really needs to just abandon the 3DS and say that the Switch is a handheld first to position it as a device that's not competing with traditional consoles.  I know they're not going to do that though because they want to milk whatever they can out of the 3DS before it dies.