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I think the Democratic party is trying to mimic some of the more effective Republican party tactics.

If Trump murdered someone in cold blood and ate their heart on national television, we'd have members of his team on the news tomorrow telling us how unfair it is that the media is giving it so much coverage. It's a constant barrage of "the media is unfair" and it's been very effective. It doesn't matter if the coverage is justified or not, the Republican party hammers on that point with every single news item that they see as a negative to their "brand".

I'm not criticizing, mind you, because it's a very clever strategy. Complain about something loud enough and long enough, you'll have the less perceptive people believing it without even thinking about it.

My mother was talking about how biased the media is to the Republican party. I said, "how would you know? Your husband only watches FOX News." Her reply was something like, "well, that's what people are saying." Once the idea was established, her "confirmation bias" took over.

I've been noticing recently that the Democrats are starting up the same theme and it seems pretty pervasive. Now, I don't think they're as unified as the Republicans but this seems like a common sense counter-tactic.