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Veknoid_Outcast said:
DonFerrari said:

??? I'm not confusing anything... but saying Nintendo is losing money because they invest too much on the SW making is strange when they expend a loooooot less than other companies.

I never said that. Nintendo spends money according to its means, something other developers should emulate. I was referencing the fact that Iwata was criticized for allowing his studios to take up a lot of time and resources perfecting their games, instead of churning them out at a rapid pace to maximize profits.

Your wording was showing as that. Nintendo doesn't really put much more money or time compared to other companies. Sony have several games taking over 4 years of development, R* also does, and multiple others. It isn't liket Nintendo goes above and beyond them, it's more like they make simpler game but stick to having lower bugs.

the_dengle said:
CrazyGPU said:

Well, then maybe for you new things doesnt matter. I don´t think that a few months make games worthless. But I like to apreciate how technology, and the worlds and games grow. I would say that there are some games that deserve being played and are old, I might play 10 year old games like COD modern Warfare, Portal, Bioshock, Uncharted and some other great games. For the rest, I usually play games less than 5 years old, thats not a couple of months, but those are games with wolds, sizes, graphics, art and quality that are not far  from current games. Skyrim (2011), Far Cry 3(2012), The Last of US(2013), Tomb Raider (2013) are not a couple of months old and are awesome games (more than 3 years old games). 

New things matter somewhat, I like a shiny new thing as much as the next guy and I generally keep up with what my friends are playing. I appreciate technology too, and I particularly appreciate how developers worked with the limitations of older technology. I love going back to great old gameboy games like the Zeldas and Pokemons. There are a lot of games more than 10 or 15 years old that don't *feel* like they've aged a day, and the way they look is just a sign of when they were made. I wouldn't dismiss City Lights just because it's silent and black & white. It's the same with old games. Truly excellent games are great forever. I would be sad to see an amazing classic like City Lights sitting in a bargain bin for $2 and I'm disappointed when I see gamers whining about some of the best games ever made costing the price of a hamburger.

Quite strange that you think you like the new and shiny just as much as everyone but wouldn't bother only playing old stuff.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."