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haqqaton said:
Goodnightmoon said:

Is actually hard to know exactly how much powerful it is going only by he numers we have, but what I understand from what I read is that Switch will slightly outperform WiiU when undocked and be around x3 times the power of WiiU when docked, but more info is still required since we don't really know for exemple how customized the Nvidia chip is or how much Ram the OS will use.

After seeing some OpenGL vs Vulkan comparisons and considering that Switch supports Vulkan and that Vulkan is great for ARM mobile chips like Tegra X1, I think we can be confident to say that Switch, even undocked, will be fairly better than Wii U. To be fair, they are comparing Vulkan to OpenGL|ES in the videos below but I think that the point stands.


That is completely irrelevant. The new low-level APIs are an improvement just for PCs and mobile phones, that relied for far too long in APIs with high overhead, like DirectX (pre-12) and OpenGL. Consoles always had their custom, low level APIs.

Some of them actually supported DX (like Xbox) and OpenGL, but that was only an option for devs that did not cared about performance. 99% of the games are developed for the low-level APIs. Engines like Unity and Unreal also use these APIs.

It's like saying that the PS4 GPU supports DirectX. It does, but it is useless for the console.