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vivster said:
JRPGfan said:

omg thats..... embarrassing >_>

I swore I hit the performance pr watts part... lol.

Im gonna end up looking like a arse.

Must be that AMD koolaid causing arthritis in your hands.

But at least you're almost right. The 470 is the most efficient card at 1080p for AMD. Only beaten by the 980, 1060, 1070 and 1080 :P

posted the right chart above.

Yeah 1050,1060,1070,1080 are all more power effecient.


the 1060 at 98% vs the 470's 83%, means its like 18% more effecient?

98/83 = 18%.

Nvidia has a 20% lead or so in that reguard.

Waiting to see if that holds true for the newer amd cards comeing.