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curl-6 said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:
You are literally making fun of someone despite the fact that you're using a rumor to do so. And educated rumor? Maybe, but it's just a guestimation. Damn did you guys learn anything about Hypothesis and shiz in Science class lolololol

It's not just a rumour. It's a report from a reliable source that not only accurately leaked Switch's design months before it was revealed, but also accurately leaked PS4 Pro's specs ahead of time.

I get that you don't want it to be true, but DF's record in this regard is excellent.

Nope, wrong. It IS, from a LITERAL STANDPOINT, just a rumor. Do you know the definition of a rumor? Or a hypothesis? Yes, it's an educated guess, but we don't know for sure. If it happens, I'll probably be called an idiot for disputing it - but that's the thing, I'm not. I'm simply saying we don't know. 

You're saying that because they were right about things in the past, they must be right in the present. But there are people literally developing for Switch that no doubt know more about the system that are impressed by it. Some of them might be payed off, others are much less likely to be. We simply don't know. I have a Playstation 4, an Xbox One, a PC, and yes...a dusty Wii U in my garage. I don't have a bias towards any console in particular, I didn't even play my first Zelda until last year. There's simply a lot of things that we should wait for, Specs are one of them. 

I feel this is a pretty good video explaining some of the problems with the rumor, as well as why even if this is true it's not the end of the world :

The reality is we're hearing conflicting things. I don't think the Switch was ever going to be PS4 levels, but slightly below Xbox One was expected by most people. I know people are bringing up that Skyrim is an old game and that Todd Howard could have been payed off, but man, I really never expected someone like him to endorse the Switch. I won't use the Dark Souls argument though - From Soft have terrible standards and it's just a rumor. Let's just wait a while.