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GhaudePhaede010 said:
spemanig said:

1. That's not handheld software selling in a home console marketplace.

2. I can't really help you if you truly think that $40 HD Monster Hunter will help the Switch, without having multiplats, reach 3DS numbers in the west.

1) Wait what? Smash is on 3DS and Wii U. Stop it.

2) It is not about one game, I use that game as an example for me personally. You avoided my HD Pokemon argument because you know I have a point. All those titles getting HD upgrades and able to play on your television and on the go has a market, period. It has one against the rival consoles but more importantly, it has a place alongside those consoles (like 3DS has a home alongside those consoles). You are trying too hard to see it ONLY as a home console when it simply is not. It is a hybrid at best but mostly, it is a hand held. You are absolutely wrong and you know it. Hand held gaming is catching up to and will end up surpassing home console gaming. And the games are cheaper. All games sell to gamers, that is one big market. There are times when I have to decide between getting a PS4 game, a Wii U game, or a 3DS game. I cannot buy them all so... this means they are all competing for my money.

1. Smash 3DS isn't handheld software selling in a home console marketplace.

2. If you think $40 HD Pokemon Sun/Moon will help the Switch, without multiplats, reach 3DS numbers, I can't really help you either.

I'm seeing it for exactly what it is, and what it's competing with, like it or not, are home consoles. That's how it's being marketed and that what people are going to expect when it comes to software. $40 Pokemon is a AAA blockbuster on a handheld device, but cheap middleware on a home console, because it's not being compared to Yokai Watch and Daganrampa anymore, it's being compared to FFXV and DQ11. Unless Pokemon on the Switch evolves to fit the scale of its new platform, it's not going to do much of anything with regards to selling software, and at that point it won't be a handheld franchise anymore and it definitely won't be $40. Pokemon isn't some inpenetrable franchise. It's sales can drop like anyone else.