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Pemalite said:
zorg1000 said:

I mean in terms of support the system recieves.

It does. Because if the hardware isn't "Good enough" to receive ports. Then it won't receive them.

What I mean is the difference between being 1/3 of PS4 & 1/4 of PS4 isn't a big enough difference to makes the games drastically different and I doubt many developers are gonna be like, "This thing is only 1/4 the power of PS4, I can't work with that!!!! If it was 1/3 the power of PS4, I would support the hell out of it!!!!"

That's what I meant in my original post. The games designed from the ground up for Switch aren't going to be massively improved by having higher clock speeds and developers who won't port games to Switch with these rumored specs probably wouldn't regardless of clock speeds.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.