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well, nintendo's gonna nintendo.

In a way i don't blame them anymore, this is simply what they have to do to make it. They just can't compete with sony and Ms anymore, they have to do their own thing in a different enough way for them to still be relevant even without third party support.

Only thing I really find funny though are those that still say graphics/power don't matter. I get that at the heart of it all gameplay is what counts, but really; can't we have both? I would personally killl for a zelda game that looks like Uncharted 4.

And another common thing that goes along with the above, is this ignorant remark about if power being so important we should game on PC...... the issue with that is that while people like me want more power out of a nintendo console, I don't want them to be as powerful as a $1000+ gaming rig. There is a decent middle ground in the $300-$400 range that the PS4/XB1 reside. Lastly, the weak HD twins aren't weak enough to simply make certain types of gaming experiences impossible on the hardware......

ah well, lets see how things go.