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So... if you looked at this the correct way...

No. I better not say that.

Basically I came in here to say I was right. This is a powerful hand held. I have said it over and over...

No. I better not say that either.

I am not a Nintendo hater. I am going to buy a Switch day one! However, I called anyone that thinks of this console as a home console absolutely stupid and I stand by that to this day. There was never any indication this would be a capable home console. This is an overachieving hand held. And this is a good thing. I would rather have an overachieving 3DS than anything that seems too closely related to Wii U.

I understand there are people that are disappointed in the specs of this console but that is because they are not very smart. Actually, I would dare call them idiots. I gave a long list of reasons before about why this is not a home console and people basically slammed me over it. If you losers and idiots had the proper perspective from day one, this would probably not bother you much. But you built up and followed your own hype in spite of logic being spit right at you and now, I get to watch you all apologize and/or hide. You people were and are toxic to this community.

With all that said, nothing will stop me from buying this awesome console on day one. Get out of your feelings and get you a Switch.

I will probably get banned for this. I earned it. I love being correct.

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