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Soundwave said:
Wyrdness said:

Numbers can say anything, if EG are right the are still 4 different configuration as pointed out here, news doesn't really tell us much different or change much from any previous rumour.

Could be 3 SMs, but I think 4 is probably a fantasy even Thraktor says so. In reality, seeing as how this is Nintendo, it's probably 2 SMs. 

The memory bandwidth would be higher than 25GB/sec if Nintendo was aiming for a machine well beyond the Wii U. 

To be honest seeing basically all the games in the Switch trailer look like Wii U games or Wii U games on steroids should have been a pretty giant tip off. 

I don't think Nintendo really even wants higher graphics performance. What's the benefit to them? Higher development costs? You think that appeals to Nintendo in any way, shape, or form. They're barely now just coming to grips with Wii U development (Zelda has taken them like 5 years to finish, lol), they were never going to do a huge generational upgrade in just 4 years time, not when Sony/MS spent like 8 years in that graphics range. 

Of Course they will look like Wii U games when they are actually Wii U games (MK and Splatoon), lol. Actually only game that isnt Wii U game, 3D Mario, looked better, but Nintendo said people don't need to assume that games look or run exactly same.