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Nuvendil said:
Soundwave said:
That's a "win" for the XBox then in my books. They had no business even being close with Sony having a new PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro models for the month.

Congrats to them.  Burning all those mountains of money has got to be its own reward to some degree but I imagine it's gotta be nice to at least come close to having it achieve something :P

Although I saw the closer race coming.  I knew PS would win, but Sony basically pulled a Nintendo from 2014:  they had an arsenal at hand they didn't properly use.  They had the Pro, but it had no note worthy discounts or sales and had NO bundles in the season where sales and bundles are what just what sell.  They had a bundle for the  They didn't agressively price.  Their marketing was not nearly as ubiquitous as it should have been, especially with a new console launching.  

When companies choose to more or less coast, they get coasting results.  Nintendo coasted in 2014 and their numbers came in under expectations, Sony coasted this year and came in under expectations.  

Meanwhile, Microsoft marketed agressively, bundled like mad, slashed prices.  I mean, it's the same "let's set fire to a mountain of money to 'improve' our business" strategy they've been throwing around for a long while but it's still working well enough, especially since Sony did not counter with agressive marketing like they have previously.  

I already mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I need to say it again. It's mind boggling how different SIEA and SIEE function. In the EU and UK, SIEE offered a plethora of PS4 deals and bundles at attractive prices. That was how the PS4 managed to be up 3% YOY on Black Friday week in the UK. In contrast, SIEA seems to be prioritizing revenue. Rely on one bundle that includes a 1st party game, sell as many Pros at the $399 pricetag, and let the retailers do the wheel-and-dealing.

Jranation said:
Aura7541 said:

Here's the late November 2015 PR and here's the end of 2015 PR. Also, Sony didn't say the PS4 was up YOY when they released its late November 2015 PR, but it was up YOY over 2014.

My advice to you is to abstain from looking into things way too much. Just wait for all the numbers to come in and then access the situation. Yeah, I know. We are all eager for the numbers, but we need to be patient.

Try saying that to the Switch followers XD Nearly Every rumor get over 100 replies. 

Oh dear, that was pretty crazy. I always avoided those threads. I'm still pretty excited for the Switch though and I really want Pokemon Star on it >_<