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FloatingWaffles said:

Here's the thing that I don't get. 

I think we all remember this picture from when the Nintendo Switch reveal trailer dropped and some official info was finally announced.  This is the strongest list of third party developers Nintendo has ever had. Now I know a lot of you might see it and immediately think of responding something like "That list doesn't mean anything until we see games from those developers on the system" or you might be thinking of referencing the Wii U list of third party developers that was shown years ago at its reveal, but the thing is that Wii U list was nothing compared to this list. 

The reason I am showing this is because I feel like it contradicts with how weak these specs are saying the Switch will be. Look at developers like Bethesda, who were quoted not too long ago saying that they WOULD support the Switch if it was AT LEAST as powerful as the Xbox One.

So if the system is truly as weak as these specs are saying it will be, why does this system have the strongest supporting list of developers than any other Nintendo console, I would figure it would be one of the worst if that was the case. ESPECIALLY Bethesda after what they said about supporting it only if it's as powerful as the Xbox One.

Now I know this is all just rumour and we won't know officially until January, but this just doesn't really add up. I'm also not saying that this can't possibly true, it could easily be considering Nintendo's history of cheaping out on hardware for their systems. But a lot of developers like From Software and Bethesda didn't support the Wii U because of how underpowered it was, so why would it be a different situation this time if the Switch were to be significantly underpowered yet again? 

Added in with all the reports of people saying that the Switch shouldn't have problems running third party games not only from Emily Rogers but even Nvidia said it themselves. This just doesn't really seem to make sense unless Nintendo has managed to convince third parties to support their system despite it being underpowered or something, maybe that is the case, but i'm highly skeptical of that considering developers like Bethesda and what they've said in the past. 

I was thinking of this too! 

I feel like the "easy to port" rumor is true. 

Pocky Lover Boy!