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vivster said:
Imaginedvl said:

Really? Cancelling your pre-order (you unlikely pre-ordered it anyway) for CPU/GPU numbers and you do not even know bout the games and software?
So in both case you would pre-order (or cancel) by knowing nothing about the system basically. Interresting :)

OP: Numbers means nothing for a Nintendo system. Their exlusives do and in the Switch case the portability is also one nice addition and we will see how this plays out but Nintendo will come up with Zelda, Mario (Land, World, Kart, Paper, etc...), Metroid, Pokemon and just milk this baby out :)

Really really not worried at all, the system looks very sexy to me, no matter what are the specs.
I cannot believe anyone really thought the Switch would be as powerfull as the Xbox One or even the Play Station Four... This is really laughable :)

So you aren't allowed to be disappointed with the specs because it has exclusives?

I don't think you get the point...

It is not about being disappointed or not it is about pre-ordering something based on made upunlikely expectations (referring to the power of the Switch being equivalent to the Xbox One or even the Play Station Four); and then being "shocked" and cancelling it because it is not :)

So yes, I really think that it is weird to base your pre-order on very unlikely speculations and even weirder to be that disapointed by it when it comes to be official. And as far as the Switch I would expect people to be hyped for it for the games and the modular hardware and portability... Not the power...

Now, not sure why you are talking about being "allowed" or not. Who is disallowing you to do anything here?
If you need a forum post to allow you or disallow you to do something, it may be a good time to stop using the Internet :)