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malistix1985 said:
wowww, if this is all accurate, and its slower then the $99,- nvidia multimedia box, which isn't great at gaming at full speed, which is then faster then the nintendo machine, the difference with a xbox one would be enormous.

This is DEFFENITELY not a machine for me, its old technology, its slow, nintendo does it again, going for their own IP's own games and trying to sell a gimmick, with budget hardware.

I hope everything in this video isn't true and the machine is faster, this news is mind blowing
Love nintendo games, everybody who reads my posts knows im disappointed in their hardware, but if these specs are true its shocking, actually shocking. Worse then the WiiU specs where back when it was revealed.

seriously, how was this unexpected? It's a handheld... how powerful could it really be?

plenty of people here have been warning over and over again on these Switch/NX hype threads and constantly dismissed...

still I don't think it should be any dealbreaker, Nintendo handhelds are their strongest suit and this should be a pretty respectable one.