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"Hello, Early reviews for MGS4 are creeping out on the internet and, like GTAIV, it's another near-perfect whitewash. "Without a doubt, one of the greatest games of all time", screams US magazine Gamepro, "Every once in a long time, a game will come along that changes all the rules... and MGS4's potential influence on the current state of gaming is nothing short of tectonic". Exciting? Yes. Accurate? No - it's total bullshit."

"The gameplay mechanics - while surely the series' most polished - are instantly recognisable, and despite reasonably freeform opening levels, it's not a shock reimagining of the series. 'Shocking' or 'tectonic' gameplay would have been fully destructible levels with truly 'nowhere to hide', as once billed. Or *huge* open world crowds where you need to use disguise, or body language, or real voice reading via an audio mic, to blend in seamlessly - but despite some excellent stealth sections, MGS4's best efforts are 'only' a polishing of MGS3's camouflage-led jungle sneaking; bar an unexpected, if fairly linear, stealth episode half-way through."

"Truth is, MGS4 is so complex, nuanced and indulgent, it's too early to say whether it's the work of genius or madness, or - most accurately - both. The trick's whether Kojima's got the balance right from scene-to-scene.

One thing's sure: MGS4's certainly the most interesting game of 2008, and while we only know a select few who've finished it, we've already had in-depth, half-hour minimum, heated debates with all of them about what the game truly means. "



What are your thoughts?

The great disparity between MGS4 reviews does beg the question; What is separating opinions to such a degree? Not even MGS2 recieved such a vast palette of initial reception, ranging from unprecedented acclaim to disappointed rejection/