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Also all these people saying that it's their "7th gen console because of the power" apparently are just pandering to the same tropes and misleading things they've been doing for years. Wii U was more powerful than the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, the problem was the complex architecture and the lack of marketing that made it die. Nobody really made the games on the Wii U look good because, get this, they didn't want to spend the time on a complex and dying console. It was STILL an 8th gen console, it was much more powerful than the 360 and 3, just not to the extent of Xbone or PS4.

This console will most likely be an even smaller jump than the Wii U, the Wii U went from an upgraded Gamecube(Wii) to a console better than the 360 and 3, the Switch will go from an underpowered 8th gen to a 9th gen console that is competing with 8th gen consoles. This might seem like a bad thing, but because of the law of diminishing returns AND because of the fact that it's releasing THREE YEARS before the next PS and XB...I don't see it being a bad thing honestly.