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all i know is, i pay $500+ a month in student loans, with nothing to show for it. in 2008 when "the economy crashed", no banks would lend me anymore money even though i have excellent credit, and i missed out on school for a year and half. VERY hard to jump back in after all that time off, plus tuition had gon up and still i didnt have enough money to take all the classes i needed to really be back in. I don't have a fancy job, I'm just work at bestbuy, but if i didn't have student loans i could live like someone who makes $80k a year. my mortage is only $100 more than my loans.....ridiculous.
at 18, all i was told is that i had to have college to get a good job to make it by, i didn't understand loans and all that's the biggest mistake of my life.