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Miyamoto talks the talk but when it comes to certain franchises, it is clear he and several folks at Nintendo have no idea why they are popular and only look for ways to 'improve' what doesn't need to be improved due to either their own conceptions or that of the vocal (but shrinking) Japanese gaming public.

F-Zero and Star Fox could have had stellar versions on the Wii had they dedicated some time or the right development team. But instead we get more casual affairs and two pretty decent franchises are left on the vine to rot.

Star Fox Zero was a tech demo they stuck the Star Fox brand on, then brought in Platinum games at the last half because they knew they didn't have enough with their central idea of the gamepad being the motion control to aim. Which honestly was the worst idea of using the Gamepad during gameplay for a game like Star Fox, but once again they have no idea why the franchise and especially Star Fox 64 was so loved.

Unless the next Star Fox game is being headed up by Sakurai, Platinum Games or Retro from the start I can't say I will be that anticipated unless the first trailer blows me out the water.