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Intrinsic said:

3sexty said:

Honestly its not about what makes me feel good or whatever. I am trying to be as objective and as analytical as possible. I just think November results (from what has been established so far) may be the begining of a decline in consoles all together and that MS are in a stronger position to weather such a reduction in gaming/ console business - and Sony really should have had a better performance because of all the 3 said combined factors.  I am a little concerned about your statment about fanning the flames so to speak. that is not my intention.  It makes it sound like people's well being are at stake here.  Its only a topic forum for people to voice their opinions which is what I am doing. Its not so much about the past or even the present success - its about extrapolating into the future based on whatever developments/ info we have at hand.



Why I say you are fanning the flames is cause you arent only jumping the gun and being somewhst sensationalist, you are doing so while ignoring a lot of factors.

Games sell hardware, that has always been the case and will comtinue to be the case. Its why Japan so sony's best november so far. Its why NA is down now cause as many have pointed out to you, this november is nothing like last years on the software front. COD was literally down by almost 50%!!! And that game is biggest in NA.

Then you talk about a decline when sony clewlry pointer out they have had the best BF in playstation history, which clearly indicates that NA is not even their biggest market. And that they did very well everywhere else. 

And then you also have to consider that the biggest hitters of this gen are not even here yet, it really just seems like you are cherry picking information to suit your narrative. 

How can you say Sony is in trouble when by the end of this year they very well could have sold over 54M consoles? In three years? That's PS2/Wii level numbers right there!! 

And lastly, No company, including MS is structured to keep bleeding money. It's a business not a charity. That's why companies have divisions, if a division isn't doing well, they will cut it off eventually. Look at Apple with the iPod? you think Apple doesnt have the money to keep supporting the iPod if it wanted to? But it's tapering it off because it's become redundant. When the scorpio is released, if it doesn't turn things around for MS, believe me when I say that wouldn't bode well for the Xbox division. 

And domt forget, PlayStation isn't just consoles. We also have PSVue and PS+ which this gen is pulling in a lot of subscriptions. 

long and short of it is, it's not as bad as you make it sound and then there is a lot more to all of it than you are writing. You saying you are being objective just makes it worse cause you aremt looking at all the data. 

Yeh look I am basing my assessment on what happened in Nov. If proven true do you honestly really think that is not a bad situation to be in for Sony in the biggest amarket after a major pro relase/ launch aligned with psvr and price reduced slim all ariund the same time -  and again with one of their few profit making businesses. Are you honestly wanting to dicount this as a non event..Come on.. does this not ring alarm bells..And re MS bleeding money over xbox perpetually..again I have heard this way too long and and by the time they do decide to give it the chop (based on predicions like this I have heard since 2008), in all seriousness consoles may be a thing of the past.. This prediction currently stands prepetually unproven even after 10 years . If a genuine decline in the console market is being experience then of course MS are in the better position to weather the storm until they transition into the next phase of pc/ device/ service gaming integration.  BTW Sony have not done any homework in this space in part due to their exit from pc and devices.  Remember MS are the ones here with the dosh to commit into the future here and as said before even with the most conservative shareholder centric CEO appointed 3 years ago, they commited to at least another 2 years of xbox development. That is a fact.  Lets see if December bodes well for your argument.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

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