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3sexty said:

Actually Sony need N/A and console gaming worldwide in general way more than MS. Its bad news for Sony to have such a decline in an important market for one of their few money making businesses. Terrible actually since their TV business declined, PCs offloaded, phones down quite a bit  and now this.  They need console profits way more than MS do. For MS its a minor business venture to run alongside its other huge money makers, - Surface, Windows 10, Enterprise, Software, Cloud etc. On the topic of compueter hardware, the irony here is while Sony failed in the pc hardware space, MS are thriving with the Surface line of computers.  I mean isnt hardware supposed to be Sony's bread and butter. Very concerning trend for Sony.

Damn it doesn't look good for Xbox then. I mean if it's a concerning trend for PS4 to sell over 1M in one month in one territory while having the best Black Friday week Worldwide in PlayStation history then Xbox must be on life support. All the figures look great for the PS4, it's sold 50M to consumers and on its way to selling 400M units of software in 3 years.

Xbox is being beaten in every territory and in some countries by a huge margin. In Japan it's nonexistent. 

If this is worrying to Sony, then Xbox must be on it's last legs. MS will be holding a shotgun and taking Xbox up to the top of garden like an old sheepdog on its final walk.

The difference here is that MS can afford to keep a declining console trend on life support.  Sony on the other hand cannot as it is one of its only life supporters for its entire business.. Quite worrying when you combine a new pro release coupled with psvr release as well as a super cheap ps4 slim relaese which combined should have obliterated the competition in the month of Novemember...but sadly it didnt and the copetition with no major relaese was nipping at its heal...Sony needs to do something and fast....Otherwise we will see the begining of a decline in its only bright spot.....Future success for consoles is a must for Sony or its game over.MS on the other hand will likely keep supporting the business even if it is a hobby for them - and guess what..there will always be consumer interest in it and its been a hobby for them for the last 10 years (and still committed to it). Sony needs to keep the console business strong just to stay alive as a company.  The stakes are alot higher for them otherwse they have no business in ten yrs time including playstation. November trend is worrying in this respect and Dec will seem likely worse given whats happened in the U.S - a very important market indeed.

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

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