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iNathan said:
3sexty said:

Lauaghing your ass off? at surface now being a billion doallar per qaurter business and it just keeps on improving. Its amuzing to see what makes you laugh. You need to read up a little more. Check the last profit quarterly releasea and related news. Unlike Sony hardware products, Surface computing business is on the rise and gaining traction. (save me some time and do a couple google searches for yourself). And I wouldnt call Xbox One a flop without providing some more uesful context. They are still supporiting it and even providing new h/w releases into the coming year - and now making gains on Sony's primary money maker (in the u.s). So obviously they have a better gauge as to whether its a flop than you I'd say. If they thought it was a pointless excersice they would have dropped it already (and a long time ago - like many of you have wrongly predicted). But hey, they are still here in 2016 and certainly though to 18/19 at least. I think you are trying to play it down by trying to sound really dramatic with misleading words like flop..Anyhow I have provided you with some entertaining reading below should you wish to indulge!,d.dGo

Doesn't mean anything when you sell Surfaces for 3000€ over here, there is a reason they don't give me numbers about it but they always throw W10 Office numbers, it's a flop period marketshare wise  period. 

Then we have Bing, Zune, Kin, Windows Phone, Windows Mobile, Nokia, Windows 8,Windows Vista, Xbox One etc... 

But this is how the market works, you have to fail and fail in order to succeed, successful people are successful because they fail plenty and learn from those failures just like Sony had to learn with their TV, Vaio and Smartphones business, now they are doing less but trying profits, Microsoft on the other hand can take billions in losses and still be fine, I mean Nokia was a monumental failure, Skype also not so hot. 

And yes the first Surface (RT) was a monumental failure due its poor operating system (dumbed down version of Windows 8 OS). Honestly they have improved vastly in both mindshare and sales since the Surface Pro 3.  Windows phone.. - well we all know how badly that went..

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

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