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I don't get people saying its clearly not a home console. If you can realistically play this console on the big screen with specs way above your previous home console, then its a home console. People are hoping the Switch also replaces 3ds but until it does, its not exactly Nintendo's portable console and who knows if they replace 3ds with something else. But what I think will happen is Nintendo will make all the home console games on Switch and all the handheld games on both 3ds and Switch. I mean the 3ds is still selling a lot of consoles even better then last year in some months so why just kill it. Why not prolong its life and keep it alive for a couple more years all the way to 2019 since it really has no competition in the PS vita and still has people willing to buy it and games on it. What they can do is stop making regular 3ds and only 2ds and new 3ds since those two are the ones that sell. 3ds could also be the console that Nintendo supports the longest instead of suddenly cutting it off and that could be a great thing for Nintendo

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also